
12 leading companies in clear message to Danish politicians: We must stand together to secure our shared future

Executives from 12 leading Danish companies across sectors call on the current and future government to ensure that Denmark remains among the leading countries working on the green agenda.

In a joint statement, the companies call for politicians to keep sustainability as a top priority by supporting ground-breaking innovation and ensuring the right regulations are in place to kick-start investments - and thus, speed up the green transition. The 12 companies behind the joint  call are: A.P. Møller – Mærsk, Carlsberg, Danish Crown, Grundfos, FLSmidth, ISS, Novozymes, PenisionDanmark, The LEGO Group, Topsoe, Vestas, Ørsted.

“At Carlsberg, doing business sustainably is part of our DNA. We are calling on the Danish politicians and government to maintain sustainability at the top of their priorities. The technology is available, the market demand from customers is increasing, and investors and businesses can safely invest in developing scalable solutions. But we will not get there in time without support from national and global regulators and policymakers,” the CEO of Carlsberg Group, Cees 't Hart, says.

Call to Danish politicians after a joint meeting with the UN 
The call to the current and future government comes after a meeting with Sanda Ojiambo, Assistant Secretary-General and CEO of the United Nations Global Compact, where the companies reaffirmed their full commitment to the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The companies also agreed that Denmark must continue to be a global frontrunner in securing the green transition – despite the current international crisis. In the call from the 12 companies, very specific areas of action are highlighted to ensure that the companies themselves and Denmark as a nation will continue to lead the green transition. "We call on all Danish politicians and current and future governments to ensure that Denmark remains a global sustainability pioneer that chooses courageous and flexible solutions for the green transition," the companies jointly state. 

From New York, UN Secretary-General António Guterres has recently called on the international community for more action and leadership to tackle one of the greatest challenges of our time: climate change. With just a few weeks until COP27, there is a strong need to move from
commitments and promises to concrete actions and solutions.

Read the full statement here


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