Our ZERO Carbon Footprint ambition was established in our preceding ESG programme, Together Towards ZERO (TTZ). With the enhancement of the programme to Together Towards ZERO and Beyond (TTZAB), we have raised our ambition level by maintaining our targets towards 2030 and introducing a new 2040 target.
We will continue delivering on our Together Towards ZERO commitments, including our target of ZERO carbon emissions at our breweries and a 30% reduction of our value chain emissions by 2030. In addition to this, we will go Beyond by working towards a new target to achieve net ZERO carbon emissions across our entire value chain by 2040.
To achieve our ambition and targets on carbon, we will take concrete action across our value chain, and leverage carbon reductions from our new targets and activities within agriculture and packaging.
2030 |
2040 |
Decarbonizing our thermal energy usage, through converting our boilers from using natural gas to using renewable thermal fuels or electrification
Ensuring that any additional renewable electricity we consume comes from on-site renewable electricity generation or is procured through Power Purchase Agreements
Ensuring our agricultural raw materials are cultivated using regenerative agricultural practices, which improve the ability of soils to capture and store carbon neutrally
Ensuring our packaging systems are fully circular and their production is decarbonized
Ensuring our short-distance transport vehicles are electrified while our long-distance vehicles are powered by renewable fuels
Ensuring our cooling equipment is increasingly efficient and powered by renewable electricity
We will continue on the path set forth in our Together Towards ZERO programme with yearly improvements in water efficiency and an industry-leading global target of 2.0 hl/hl in water usage, while maintaining our 1.7 hl/hl target for breweries in areas of high water risk.
We will continue delivering on our Together Towards ZERO commitments, including encouragement of responsible behaviour through our brands, our packaging, and local partnerships. In addition to this, we will go Beyond by working towards new targets, including a 35% global portfolio share for our low-alcohol and alcohol-free brews to further expand consumer choice.
Protecting the health and safety of our people in all work activities is a core value to the way we run our business. We believe that all accidents are preventable and that a ZERO Accidents Culture is essential to a safe working environment.